The Role of Research in Your Postgraduate School SOP


We know the need to write an SOP, LOR and so on as you opt for application procedures abroad. Both LOR and SOP require equal and undivided attention as these play vital roles in deciding your selection into the university. However, let us specify that unthinkingly writing an SOP can be risky without adequate research and collection of proper data. When focusing on a Postgraduate Statement of Purpose, we cannot stress enough the need to gather information before writing an SOP.

Let’s learn more about the required research before writing such a document. 

  1. Research what attracts the readers’ attention- With so many SOPs from different candidates stacked on the table, the admissions department will not engage in reading something dull. It is a formal statement, but that does not mean the flow is static. A dynamic sense of engagement must be involved in the SOP so it does not fail to grasp the reader’s attention. Formal tone can be engaging, too; in fact, they should hold the reader’s attention till the end of the letter.

  2. Be specific with the information
    Proper research about the pattern of an SOP will reveal that it should be short and crisp! The general word limit for writing one is between 500 to 600 words unless what is specified particularly by the university. Hence, it would help if you stuck to the relevance of the fact without beating about the bush. If you take an entire paragraph to describe a single attribute, rest assured that your SOP will be left half-read and most likely discarded.
  1. Never engage in last-minute work
    As we already stated, an SOP or a LOR is essential when securing a seat for you in a university abroad. The SOP you are writing for your Postgraduate course abroad must be well-researched and revised multiple times before the final draft is prepared. A timely submission will only provide adequate time to research the university and gather information. Plus, the writing will also be full of errors without having the scope or time to rectify and revise the document. Insufficient information due to a lack of research can harm your admission procedure and selection.
  1. Customisation and unique content
    Having a basic template for all your SOPs for different universities will not help you! The generalised information will be easy to spot, and lack of customisation can be the reason for rejection. Your unique writing, research and content style will make your document stand out among the rest. Copying from the internet is something a child can do as well! You need to prove, through your SOP, what an asset you could be to the institute through words and well-researched facts and data. Express what sets you apart.
  1. Research and learn about the tone to follow
    In most documents, you will find that a formal tone is used for writing an SOP. After all, these shall be read by professors and scholars, so you must maintain a sense of decorum, respect and etiquette in the tone. However, an engaging formal tone is what is encouraged in such pieces. With hundreds of SOPs to be read, do you know what makes one stand out? The intriguing and engaging tone of the letter in the hand. 
  1. Research about the importance of portraying oneself
    An SOP acts as a medium to portray the qualities of a candidate. It describes the desire and aspiration of the student to qualify for a particular university. The write-up should be passionate and yet comprehensible! You can still put forward your idea without using heavy words and bland phrases. Thorough research about the insights into writing an SOP can help you understand it well.


Formal and official paperwork like SOP should be thoroughly researched and reviewed before the final product is sent out.