A guide to writing an SOP

statement of purpose

We know the need for a State of Purpose or what we popularly call an SOP. Whether you plan to seek admission abroad or within your country, an esteemed college or university for higher studies will need an impressive SOP. We all can write compositions, essays and big paragraphs describing ourselves in flash words! But what makes your SOP stand out and distinguished from the others? With thousands of SOPs or even more collecting in their emails, you must make your one unique among the crowd. Here is what you need to do! 


Insights about writing a good SOP 

With many admission procedures from different places piled on your desk, an SOP can take a backseat! But it is a vital component which will aid in your selection. If the time is short, what are the things that you should ensure for a good SOP? 

  1. Always remember that an SOP should be practical- Remember that you are not writing a creative piece as a hobby! It is written for a professional purpose, so maintain the formal tone and stick to the document’s purpose.
  2. Structuring your SOP well- Shaping and structuring the SOP is essential to writing one! If it turns out to be too clumsy and scattered, rest assured it will surely be declined. There should be a header, purpose, scopes, references, etc. Remember to add related documents, definitions, roles, and approvals as well while at the same time ensuring that it is not too long drawn or monotonous to read.
  3. All the points should be crisp- Have you imagined reading thousands of long pages of something incredibly dull? No one wants to go through that pain. Your SOP stands out in how crisp and professional you can make it. There is no need to brag, be flashy or too pushy! Just write what is essential to describe yourself and explain your selection purpose.
  4. SOPs should always be written in the active voice- Here is another major mistake: SOP writings often need to be corrected. Not following the active voice while subjecting the piece. Important ideas should always be presented in an active voice so they can be clear, assertive, and easily comprehended.
  5. Do not indulge in ambiguity- certain words showcase confusion, uncertainty and ambiguity in your tone as you address the SOP. There are certain words that you should particularly avoid when it comes to writing an SOP. Keep in mind from next time onwards to strike off “periodic”, “typical”, “general”, and “should”.  At the same time, you need to be mindful of a couple of words and expressions essential to direct the article’s purpose. Words like “may” or “must” put a sense of authority and control in your hands, which should not be conveyed in a write-up like SOP.
  6. Always be careful about the formatting- Make your SOP look smooth, concise and easy to comprehend. Simple words must be used, and the format must be such that it portrays an easy flow. If you have a large paragraph, you can break it up into small ones or even use bullet points to make it easy for the readers to go through the data effectively.
  7. Do not twist the details- Everything that you include in an SOP must be authentic to their existence. You do not want your SOP to define falsehood and ultimately lead to cancellation. A candidate needs to understand that accomplishments are never big or small; they are a medium to portray the student’s life and describe their credentials. Remaining true to the facts is the best way to attract the attention of the admission department. In an attempt to make it too flashy, you might miss out on the simplicity and authenticity that the SOP should convey. 


With a clear understanding of the structure, formats, writing style, tone and data, you can pen down a flawless SOP to secure your selection.